Refunds and exchanges are processed within Clicks stores, except where products are marked with a circular arrow icon on your invoice, order confirmation page or order history.

If you are not satisfied with your online purchase, simply bring the product/s in its original, unopened packaging to any Clicks store within 30 calendar days for a full refund, replacement or exchange, subject to our refunds and exchange policy.

Please ensure you bring the following with you:

  • The original tax invoice sent with the order
  • The Packing List sent with the parcel with the reason code and quantity to be returned filled in on the form
  • The product for return in unused condition and original packaging (unless damaged)

To return products marked with a circular arrow icon, please contact our call centre on 0860 254 257 within 30 calendar days from date of purchase to arrange courier collection.

All returns are subject to our terms and conditions.